Author of numerous Physician Guides:
- Physician’s Guide to the TMB
- Physician’s Guide to Credentialing
- Physician’s Guide to Employment Contracts
- Physician’s Guide to HIPAA Compliance
- Physician’s Guide to the NPDB
- Physician’s Guide to Peer Review
- Physician’s Guide to Proper Boundaries
- Physician’s Guide to Social Media
- Malpractice Attorney’s Guide to Peer Review
Speaker, Session Five: HIPAA/Patient Privacy Issues, Texas American College of Physicians Ethics and Professionalism Webinar Series (September 7, 2023), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician Contracts in Texas: What You Really Need to Know, in-person talk presented to Forging Female Partnerships in Orthopedic Surgery (August 26, 2023), Hyatt Place at TCU, Forth Worth, TX.
Speaker, Session Four: Texas Medical Board Complaints, Texas American College of Physicians Ethics and Professionalism Webinar Series (July 6, 2023), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Session Three: Credentialing, NPDB, and Self-Reporting, Texas American College of Physicians Ethics and Professionalism Webinar Series (June 1, 2023), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician Boundaries, #MeToo, and Other Realities in Medicine, Texas Medical Association’s TEXMED 2023 Live CME presented (May 20, 2023), Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, TX, 1 hour CME given.
Speaker, Session Two: Medical Peer Review, Texas American College of Physicians Ethics and Professionalism Webinar Series (May 4, 2023), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Session One: Physician Contracts, Non-Competes, and Income Guarantees, Texas American College of Physicians Ethics and Professionalism Webinar Series, (April 6, 2023), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Author, Physician Credibility Traps: Don’t Let Then Happen To You, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 109, No. 4, April 2023.
Speaker, Electronic Medical Records: A Practical Guide, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section monthly meeting via Zoom presentation, Dallas (February 15, 2023), CLE credit given.
Author, Medical Staff Bylaws: What Physicians Really Need to Know, Texas, TMLT Reporter Q4 (release date December 1, 2022), 2 hours CME including 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Responding to Negative Responses on Social Media Can be Costly, TMLT Webinar Series (July 26, 2022), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician Employment Contracts and Non-Competes in Texas: What You Really Need to Know, TMLT Risk Management Live CME presented to the 40th Annual Convention of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (June 25, 2022), Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, TX, 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician Boundaries, #MeToo, and Other Realities in Medicine, TMLT Risk Management Live CME presented to the Harris County Medical Society, Women Physician Section (May 26, 2022), Blossom Hotel, Houston, TX, 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician Boundaries, #MeToo, and Other Realities in Medicine, TMLT Risk Management Live CME presented to the Angeline County Medical Society (April 27, 2022), CHI St. Luke’s Health Memorial, Lufkin, TX, 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Author, Telemedicine Fraud: Don’t Let It Happen to You, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 108, No. 4, April 2022.
Speaker, Sexual Harassment and #METOO in Medicine: What’s a Physician to Do?, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section monthly meeting via Zoom presentation, Dallas (February 16, 2022), CLE credit given.
Author, Five Reasons to Rethink Texas Physician Non-Competes, Dallas Bar Association Headnotes, Vol. 46, No. 12, December 2021.
Author, Legal Considerations When Treating College Students Via Telemedicine, TMLT Resource Hub (release date August 25, 2021).
Speaker, Physician Contracts and Non-Competes: What You Really Need to Know, TMLT Risk Management Live CME Webinar presented to the Harris County Medical Society Young Physician Reception (August 3, 2021), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Contracts: What Physicians Really Need to Know, Parkland Surgical Society meeting via Zoom (July 24, 2021).
Author, Vaccines: A Practical Guide for Physicians, TMLT Reporter Q2 (release date May 17, 2021), CME in ethics given.
Author, HIPAA in the Pandemic: How Much Has Changed?, Dallas Bar Association Headnotes, Vol. 46, No.4, April 2021.
Author, Feeling the Pandemic Squeeze? How to Deal with “No Cause” Terminations, Compensation Cuts, and More, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 107, No. 4, April 2021.
Speaker, Physician’s Guide to Peer Review: Doing Peer Review Right!, TMLT Risk Management Live CME Webinar presented to the Harlingen Medical Center (November 19, 2020), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Telemedicine in Texas (The Pandemic Version): Brace Yourself!, TMLT Risk Management Live CME Webinar presented to the Houston Medical Forum (October 6, 2020), 1 hour CME in ethics given.
Co-Speaker, Managing Your Online Presence, TMLT Webinar Series (August 25, 2020), CME in ethics given.
Author, Sexual Harassment and Misconduct in Health Care: A Practical Guide for Physicians, TMLT Reporter Q3, Course No. 2455 (release date August 17, 2020), CME in ethics given.
Author, Telemedicine in Texas: The Pandemic Update, Dallas Bar Association Headnotes, Vol. 45, No. 7, July 2020.
Author, Telemedicine Meets COVID-19: New Rules in Texas, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 106, No. 5, May 2020.
Author, Healthcare Employment Contracts: Ten Concepts a Physician Should Know, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 106, No. 5, May 2020.
Speaker, Brace Yourself: Telemedicine in Texas and Beyond. . . , American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM) 2020 Annual Meeting, Scottsdale (February 22, 2020), CME/CLE credit given.
Speaker, Non-Competes: What a Dentist Really Needs to Know, American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM) 2020 Annual Meeting, Scottsdale (February 21, 2020), CME/CLE credit given.
Author, Telemedicine in Texas: Should Your Physician Clients Do It?, Dallas Bar Association Headnotes, Vol. 45, No. 2, February 2020.
Author, Telemedicine in Texas: Is It For You?, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 105, No. 11, November 2019.
Speaker, Life After Residency: What You Really Need to Know, Dell Medical School Auditorium, Austin (August 1, 2019).
Co-Speaker, Telemedicine in Texas: Brace Yourself!, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section monthly luncheon, Belo Mansion, Dallas (May 2019), CLE credit given.
Author, Facing Medical Peer Review in Texas: Busting the Top Ten Myths, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 105, No. 5, May 2019.
Speaker, What’s a Dentist to Do? #MeToo and Other Boundary Issues, American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM) 2019 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles (February 23, 2019), CME credit given.
Speaker, Medical Peer Review in Texas: What You Really Need to Know, 2019 North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Dallas (February 2019), CME in ethics given.
Co-Speaker, Advising Hospital and Physician Clients Regarding Disruptive Medical Staff Issues After Gomez v. Memorial Hermann . . . Stay Tuned for the Appeal!, Texas Health Law Conference, Austin (October 8, 2018), CLE credit given.
Speaker, Physician’s Guide to Proper Boundaries, TMLT Risk Management Two-Hour Seminar, Institute for Women’s Health, San Antonio (July 23, 2018), CME in ethics given.
Speaker on Panel, HIPAA Compliance for Attorneys: The New Requirements, National Business Institute webinar (national rebroadcast on June 6, 2018), 6 hours in CLE credit given.
Author, Will Physicians Have Their #MeToo Moment?, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 104, No. 5, May 2018.
Speaker, Physician’s Guide to Proper Boundaries, TMLT Risk Management Two-Hour Seminar, Angelina County Medical Society Meeting (March 22, 2018), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician’s Guide to Proper Boundaries, St. David’s Hospital – North Austin, General Medical Staff Meeting (December 6, 2017), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician’s Guide to Proper Boundaries, St. David’s Hospital – Georgetown, General Medical Staff Meeting (November 14, 2017), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician’s Guide to Peer Review, St. David’s Hospital – Round Rock, General Medical Staff Meeting (October 17, 2017), CME in ethics given.
Author, Physician’s Guide to the TMB, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 103, No. 10, October 2017.
Speaker, Close Encounters of the TMB Kind, Texas Dermatological Society 2017 Annual Meeting at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas (June 27, 2017), CME in ethics given.
Speaker on Panel, HIPAA Compliance for Attorneys: The New Requirements, National Business Institute webinar (national broadcast on June 26, 2017), 6 hours in CLE credit given.
Author, Ten Tips for Physician Employment Contracts, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 103, No. 5, May 2017.
Author, Stay Inside the Lines: Maintaining Proper Boundaries, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 103, No. 5, May 2017.
Contributor, “For EPs, Is a National Practitioner Data Bank Report a Career Ender, or Par for the Course?” ED Legal Letter, December 2016, Vol. 27, No. 12; p. 133-144
Author, Self-Reporting: What a Physician Must Know, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 102, No. 7, July 2016.
Panel Speaker, Disruptive Physician Issues, Houston Bar Association Health Law Section monthly luncheon, Damian’s Cucina Italiana, Houston (May 2016), CLE credit given.
Author, What Every Physician Must Know About the NPDB, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 102, No. 5, May 2016.
Speaker, Social Media and the Private Practitioner, American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM) 2016 Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas (February 26, 2016), CME given.
Speaker, Physician Employment Issues, Tsai Center for Law, Science and Innovation, Southern Methodist University (February 2016)
Speaker, Physician Employment and Non-Competes: What Does Taking the Plunge Really Mean?, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section monthly luncheon, the Belo Mansion, Dallas (July 2015), CLE credit given.
Author, Ten Ways Physicians Can Avoid the Pitfalls of Social Media, Dallas Medical Journal, Vol. 101, No. 5, May 2015.
Speaker, Mobile Healthcare Delivery Platforms and Devices, American College of Legal Medicine (ACLM) 2015 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas (February 27, 2015), CME given.
Speaker, HIPAA: What the Medical Examiner Needs to Know, National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) Conference in Orlando, FL (February 17, 2015), CME given.
Speaker, Social Media—A Physician’s Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls, Texas Surgical Society (TSS) Fall meeting (October 12, 2014), CME in ethics given.
Author, HIPAA Privacy and Security Measures: Are You Compliant?, MD News Magazine August/September 2014.
Author, Social Media: A Physician’s Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls, MD News Magazine June/July 2014.
Speaker, Peer Review, HIPAA, and What’s Actually Protected?, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section monthly luncheon, the Belo Mansion Dallas (May 2014), CLE credit given.
Speaker, The Physician’s Guide to Social Media, Joint Medical Staff Meeting of Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano, the Heart Hospital Baylor Plano, and the Heart Hospital Baylor Denton (April 2014), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Peer Review, HIPAA, and What’s Actually Protected?, American College of Legal Medicine Annual Conference (March 2014).
Speaker, Preventing Provider Boundaries Violations, 2014 Alliant Healthcare Education Forum, Houston (February 2014).
Speaker, Physician Peer Review and Credentialing: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, 2013 North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Dallas (February 2013), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Physician Peer Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys Annual Conference, San Diego (June 2012), CLE credit pending.
Speaker, The Lawyer’s Commonsense Guide to Resolving Conflicts, Tower Club, Dallas (December 2011), CME in ethics, MCE credit by Texas Real Estate Commission, and HRCI/SPHR credit given.
Speaker, Physicians and Boundaries: Legal and Ethical Issues, Huguley Memorial Medical Center, Fort Worth (November 2011), CME in ethics given.
Speaker. Physicians and Boundaries: Legal and Ethical Issues, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section (September 2011), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, The Lawyer’s Commonsense Guide to Resolving Conflicts, The Park City Club, Dallas (September 2011), ethics CLE, MCE credit by Texas Real Estate Commission, and HRCI/SPHR credit given.
Speaker, Physician Boundaries: Legal and Ethical Issues, Baylor Medical Center Irving (December 2010), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, Doing Peer Review Right, Harris County Neurological Society, Houston, TX (October 2010).
Speaker, HIPAA and the New HITECH Amendments: What is Required and How Can Physicians Comply, Union of American Physicians and Dentists, San Diego (October 2010).
Speaker, Advanced Peer Review—The Hot Topics in Detail, American Bar Association Teleconference (July 2010), CLE credit given.
Speaker, Physician Boundaries: Legal and Ethical Issues, the Heart Hospital Baylor Plano (July 2010), CME in ethics given.
Speaker, HIPAA and the New HiTech Amendments: What is Required and How Can We Hope to Comply, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section (March 2010), CLE credit given.
Speaker, Medical Peer Review: Practical Advice for Your Physician Clients on Both Sides of the Fence, Dallas Bar Association Health Law Section (October 2009), CLE credit given.
Speaker, Update on Poliner, American College of Legal Medicine Annual Conference, Las Vegas (February 2009), CLE credit given.